6. Cypemycin Decarboxylase CypD Is Not Responsible for Aminovinyl–Cysteine (AviCys) Ring Formation
作者:Wei Ding, Ning Yuan, Dhanaraju Mandalapu, Tianlu Mo, Suwei Dong*, and Qi Zhang*
发布时间: 2018-11-19
1347 次浏览
Org. Lett. 2018, 20, 23, 7670–7673
Wei Ding, Ning Yuan, Dhanaraju Mandalapu, Tianlu Mo, Suwei Dong*, and Qi Zhang*
The cypemycin decarboxylase CypD is investigated by using a synthetic oligopeptide, which contains the to-be-cyclized dehydroalanine (Dha) residue. It was shown that CypD efficiently catalyzes the decarboxylation of this Dha-containing peptide, but the expected AviCys ring is not formed in the product, suggesting that CypD alone is not enough to form the AviCys ring. It was also shown that the Dha-containing peptide is a better substrate than two similar peptides with a Ser or a Cys residue, supporting that, in cypemycin biosynthesis, Dha formation is prior to decarboxylation of the C-terminal Cys.